Control your Destiny
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Control your Destiny
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日期:2021年12月18日-19日,下午2:00点至4:00点,Q&A 下午4:00点至5:00点
教学方式:ZOOM (中文)
Kabbalah Numerology
Kabbalah Numerology is a powerful system for discovery, a tool for seeking hidden knowledge and connections in the world around us. Today, however, there are two competing philosophies regarding the approach that should be taken.
One system is based on birthday number definitions, and the other is based on finding connections between words of equal value, through Alphabetic systems.
These systems are so different in their assumptions that it is almost comical to call them by the same name. One is a path to discovery and the other is a balm for needy psyches.
At EZIER CODE, we combine both Kabbalah philosophies to provide you with the most comprehensive Kabbalistic analysis to plan for your success and wellness in life.
很多顾客都找蔡老师能帮他们选好的能量手机号码, 然而,一个好的号码不仅仅需要充满活力,还要适合个人! 不如让蔡老师教大家如何找出适合自己的能量手机号码!
快点报名,不要错过咯!!线上课程(On Live Zoom)

很多顾客都希望算出那一天是他们的好日子, 或财运天。每个人的好日子都不一样,不是看看日历是吉日就通用. 今天老师要开课咯!她会教大家自己算出自己的吉日,财运天!
上课日期: 04/05/2024 (星期六)•. 时间: 2:30pm – 5pm
快点报名,不要错过咯!! 线上课程(On Live Zoom)

上课日期: 27-28/04/2024 (星期六&日)•. 时间: 2pm – 6pm
快点报名,不要错过咯!! 实体课程(Face-to-face course)

请让Grandmaster Ezier Chua 蔡老师为我们解读和分析跟我们息息相关的手机号码如何影响人生!

疾病与病痛是不是天生注定的?Grandmaster Ezier Chua 将教您如何从出生日期中看到天生带来的健康状况!让自己或身边的人能提早预防。

Life Merkabah Numerology Course
to understand the origin of Merkabah Numerology and their effects in our life.
Master Ezier Chua personally analyzed the personality, ability, potential, strengths and weaknesses of Resultan and Kodiko 1 to 9!
Let’s learn to master the characteristics of ourselves and our family and friends!
Life Merkabah 命理班
立即注册以了解 Merkabah 命理的起源及其对我们生活的影响。
Master Ezier Chua 亲自为我们分析 Resultan 和 Kodiko 1 到 9 的性格,能力,潜能和优缺点! 让我们学习以掌握自己和身边家人朋友的特性!

Merkabah Numerology
Numerology is the study of the symbolism behind numbers. It is used to determine a person’s personality, strengths & talents, obstacles to be overcome, inner needs, emotional reactions and ways of dealing with others.
Merkabah is believed to extend through all possible dimensional and parallel universes, as well as change its form from electromagnetic to whatever it requires.
Merkabah was believed to be activated by certain meditation principles in ancient times. It involves changes in breathing, heart, mind, and body that alter the way a person experiences reality.
Having a complete understanding of our true self marks the beginning of the ”Enlightenment”.
Merkabah Numerology provides an efficient way to understand ourselves in our fast-paced environment and busy lifestyle.

Flower of Life - Sacred Geometry
The Flower of Life symbol represents the virtuous cycle of creation. Cast your eyes on the centre of this geometric symbol and you can see a circle, which symbolizes life originating from a singular source. 19 overlapping and evenly spaced circles making up the symbol, fans out in a visual representation of the interconnectedness of life and all beings.
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Hear What Our Clients Have To Say About EZIER CODE
We were worried about my son’s studies. Master Chua suggested changing my son’s name in 2007. When he was 29, he finally got his bachelor’s degree and found a good job. Now my family’s life has improved a great deal and we are very happy. Thanks, Master Chua.
1.Show gratitude upon waking up
2. Wish everybody well when you meet them
3. Confess and ask for forgiveness before sleep
After one month, everything started going well. My company put me in an important position and my colleagues started to respect me. Thanks, Master Chua.